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Fresh Salsa

Fresh Salsa
(Sorry we don't usually measure; we just throw it together, so these are my best estimates.)

Place all these ingredients into food processor:

3-4 tomatoes, med. sized, peel and quarter
3 or more jalapeno peppers, cleaned and cut in half
1 big green bell pepper, cleaned and quartered
1 fresh garlic clove, skin peeled and ready
1/2 red onion, cleaned cut in half again
1/2 white onion, cleaned (if you don't have both just add one color!)
a big bunch of cilantro, just the leaves not the stems (you can also use the spice cilantro if you don't have fresh, about 1 tsp. give or take)
salt, 1/2 - 1 tsp.
a nice splash of lemon or lime juice
dash of black pepper

Chop until blended in your food processor.
Dip your corn chips in the salsa, tastes so good!

FYI-- We like to let it sit in the fridge for at least an hour, but its ok to eat before that. Keeps overnight and tastes really good the next day too. Sometimes gets a little stronger the next day.
It won't be bright red like the stores brand that adds food color, it will have lots of green added to it, so it's more natural.
I usually store in my glass bowl with a lid.