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150 things to do Instead of watching TV!

Instead of the TV-----Bond with your family!

Here's a list of things you can do instead of watching TV.

1.   Play games
2.   Put puzzles together
3.   Visit with each other--get to know one another!
4.   Cook together
5.   Play basket ball
6.   Play hide-and-go-seek
7.   Play the piano
8.   Make up a song
9.   Make up a game
10.  Play cards
11.  Have a bon-fire in the back-yard (if you can in your area)
12. Take a walk in the woods or in the park
13.  Go to the park to play
14.  Go for a bike ride
15.  Go to bed early- instead of staying up so late
16.  Visit friends or other family members
17.  Tell "Back when I was your age..." stories
18.  Put a photo album together
19.  Read a story out loud
20.  Read a story to yourself
21.  Sew
22.  Teach your children to sew
23.  Or have a neighbor teach you to sew
24.  Paint
25.  Play with clay
26.  Read the Bible together as a family
27. Talk to God
28.  Give back rubs to each other
29.  Look at the stars through a telescope
30.  Dance
31.  Play Baseball
32.  Play "fetch" with the dogs.
33.  Take the dogs for a walk
34.  Learn to fix something
35.  Go to the library
36.  Go to the 'big' movies, (it will be a treat, once in a while- if you can find a good one playing for the whole family!)
37.  Go shopping with the family
38.  Make pop corn
39.  Make Sundaes
40.  Play hide-and-go-seek
41.  Swim
42.  Play hockey
43. Go bowling
44.  Play ping-pong
45.  Clean the house together
46.  Write letters
47.  Listen to the radio
48.  Make puppets
49.  Have a puppet play
50.  Have a family talent show


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