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Keys for Life

Some great words....

Many of these "Keys" are from Charles Stanley.
  1. You can be as close to God as You chose to be.
  2. Prayer releases the power of God.
  3. To not pray is to rob God of His glory.
  4. Prayerless quenches the Holy Spirit.
  5. You will be able to Trust Him only to the degree that you know Him.
  6. The devil always attacks the crucial never the trivial.
  7. Dusty Bibles always lead to dirty lives.
  8. Praise and Worship are powerful weapons.
  9. The promises will not be mine unless I claim them.
  10. Prayer is the most powerful gift you can give someone.
  11. True spirituality is living for an audience of One. For constant communion with Him.
  12. Bold public prayer should be the outgrow of hours of private prayer.
  13. God cannot violate His Word or His character.
  14. God will never lead you contrary to his Word or character.
  15. Praying in the will of God doesn't always mean YES!
  16. Half truths and faulty ideas about God can be devasting. (If Jesus was praying your prayer- what would he pray?)
  17. Feelings are not facts.
  18. You cannot live with a closed Bible and expect to have an open line to heaven.
  19. Prayer is not a matter of overcoming God reluctance byt laying hold of His willingness.
  20. The inability to wait is a character of a child.
  21. I must be willing to do God's will before I know what it is.
  22. God's will is revealed in his Word.
  23. God wants me to know His will on a daily basis.
  24. I can be certain of God's will when I experience Great Inner Peace.
  25. As we discover God's true character, we stop asking "Why"?
  26. Knowing the charcter of God turns despair into acceptance and trust.
  27. God seldom tells what He is doing or why, He just reveals who he is. (To build trust.)
  28. God often chooses to keep us through trials and struggles rather thatn from them. (That could be the bigger miracle.)
  29. God's gifts require our deliberate and (sometimes) persistent asking.
  30. Life is not about you, it is about glorifying God.
  31. God cannot violate human free choice.
  32. The things we ask for in faith must still be in line with God's timing.
  33. Nothing gets the attention of a non believer like a Christian who has learned to suffer successfully.
  34. We cannot expect pain-free living in a sin-stained world.
  35. When God does say "yes" to our prayer, we experience great joy; but also, God is glorified.
  36. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us.