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Examine the evidence of the resurrection for yourself.
The ressurection is one the most important foundation of the Christian faith.

Links for more information about the resurection.

1 Corinthians 15:3-6 "...Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time..."

Josh McDowell, author of "More Than a Carpenter", and "Evidence That Demands A Verdict" was a real skeptical and put Christians down. He argued against their faith, and thought they were out of their minds.
Then he met a group of college students that were so different he decided to put this question to rest once and for all. He set out to prove they were wrong about their faith.
The more Josh dug in to proving they were wrong, he discovered the resurrection had to be true.
The resurrection is the fundation of the Christian faith. Without the ressurection we would have no promise of being raised with Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:13-19 "If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified  about God, that he raised Christ from the dead. But he did raise

An Overview of Evidents that support the Resurection of Jesus Christ:
(You can click on some first words for more information. Takes you to another site.)
Apostles believed and witnessed the life of Christ, they seen him die, and seen Jesus after he arose the  third day.
Bible Verses that was written a couple thousand years predicting Jesus would die on the cross, would be buried, and rise again the third day.
Christ himself came to be God in flesh and has power over death.
Doubting Thomas, the disciple, wouldn't believe it until he saw Jesus hands and feet after the resurection. He believed.
Evidence overwhelmingly supports the resurrection.
Followers fled when Jesus first died, but came back strong and brave when he arose!
Guards were guarding the tomb. The Roman soldiers would have been killed if they had fallen asleep for someone to steal the body of Jesus, so they kept close watch over Jesus' tomb.
Harmony of the gospels. God used men over hundreds of years to write the Bible with God breathed infallable, inspiration- God's Word.
And yet its in harmony all the way through the Bible pointing toward Christ. There was over 300 prophecies fulfilled about Christ.
Incarnation.  Since Christ was God's Son, he could raise himself from the dead.
Jesus was the perfect Lamb sacrifice. In the old testament, people sacrificed animals for forgiveness of sin. But Jesus with no sin came as the perfect sacrifice, so we could have forgiveness. He made a bridge for us to have eternal life by believing in him. He closed the gap, and provided the Only sacrfice we need. We don't have to do sacrifice or earn our way into heaven.
Knowing Jesus knew he would be going to the cross with pain and suffering, yet he was willing to do it for us. He knew he would be spat upon and have a crown of thorns pushed into his head. He could have fled a thousand times, and yet he went to the cross for us.
Locked Doors. Jesus disciples were scared when Jesus died. He was their leader. The disciples were trembling in fear hiding in a locked room, but Jesus found them and walked right through the locked door!
Messiah  Jesus was the Messiah people had been waiting for. Why did so many miss it? They were waiting for him to come on a high horse claiming victory over their bondage. Yet Scripture promised he would come as a humble baby in a manger.
No one any time or any where can even compare to their life to Jesus. He accomplished more in the three years he did his ministry here on earth
Origins. God gives us the answers to our origins, if the same God gives is begining of life, He can also give us a resurected eternal life!
Passover time was a time that they sacrificed a Passover lamb for forgiveness of sin. Jesus went to the cross as the perfect Passover Lamb.
Questions are answered. God gives us the answers in His Word, the Bible.  All the through the Bible, its consistant and all points toward Christ.
Reliable Records of the accuarte Bible can be trusted. There has never been such a book! So many prophecies has been fulfilled, even though parts of the Bible were written at different times, that the accuracy cannot be denied!
Stone was rolled away! The stone that covered the tomb would have been too heavy for anyone to roll away themselves.
Tomb was empty!
Unity of Scripture
Victorious over death! (1 corinthians 15:54-55)
Why don't people get upset when you mention Buddah, Mohammed, or other forgien gods, but they do get upset when you mention Jesus?
Jesus convicts people of their sins.
Xmas  As Christians, we like to call it Christmas, but even the secular world has to acknowledge several of the holiday's we can celebrate the Chrsitian herritage the resurrection at Easter time and the birth of Jesus and Christmas time. Thanksgiving we give thanks to God for the harvest He has given us. And all year round we give praise and thanks to God as well!
You. Jesus died and rose for you. He love you and wants to give you eternal life. The resurrection means that when die you will also be resurected!
Zeal. After Jesus died the disciples hid in fear. But after Jesus arose they became bold and brave and full of eagerness, enthusiasm, and zeal! They witnessed a miracle!