Breakfast is your most important meal of the day! It means break the fast. After going all night
without eating, you need to eat to build up your metabolism for the day! Even though you should eat 5 or 6 small meals (three
meals + 2 snacks), your most important and biggest meal for calories should be at breakfast.
Breakfast Ideas
Eggs– Scrambled, poached, fried with Canola or olive oil spray, boiled
Omelet– add: spinach, bell peppers, mushrooms, cheese
Oatmeal– You can top with nuts, seeds, cinnamon, granola, fruit (Peaches, raspberries, strawberries, apples…)
Muti Grains cooked cereal.
Quinoa– High in protein. Cooks like a cereal or rice.
Whole Grain Tortilla shell with scrambled egg, spinach, bell peppers…
Meats: Turkey sausage, Canadian bacon
Potatoes– Sweet or red left over potatoes warmed or fried in healthy oils.
Pancakes– Whole wheat, buckwheat (not white flour)
Yogurt – Greek yogurt is the best, plain no chemicals.. (You can top with granola and fruit)
Cottage cheese– Top cereal or put on cantaloupe.
*Fruit, Just cut and eat or add it to cereal, yogurt, make into fruit salad, make a smoothie.
Cereal: Granola (homemade), Ezekiel, Shredded wheat, (No or low sugar cereals, no high fructose syrup cereals or cereals
with artificial colors– especially red dye.)
Beverages: water, green tea, black coffee, smoothies, 4 oz. Of orange juice
*Use your wrinkled up fruits in smoothies or grind up and place in ice cube tray and freeze for beverages.
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