I'm Karla Reed. This is my husband and my best friend, Brian!
to my web site. It's a great resource for several things.
'Kitchen Corner' has great recipes and information for clean eating tips and web sites. My 'sharing my faith page' is
very important to me as a Christian. There's some great web sites to check out here. My 'writing page' with some of my poetry
as well as some of my favorites others have written. I have shared some of my favorite 'web sites' and all kinds
of info!
have an awesome family with a great husband and two wonderful daughters, son in law and three granddaughters, and other
great family members! I like to write, read, photography, quilt, paint, camp, and cook, taking care of our home.
There's more information to the right side of this page.
hope will enjoy and come back often!
Nehemiah 8:10 "The Joy of the Lord is my strength!"
Isaiah 55:1-3
"Say there! Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink- even if you have no money! Come,
take your choice of wine and milk- it's all free! Why spend money on foodstuffs that don't give you strength? Why pay for
groceries that don't do you any good? Listen and I'll tell you where to get good food that fattens the soul! Come to me with
your ears wide open. Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake. "
"Romans 12:1- Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spirtual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern
of this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind."
Me and my husband Brian Reed on vacation.

My girls! Kasey and Tara
TIP OF THE DAY!! (When I cook, I dirty lots of towels!
SO I found this tip really does work!!) When you notice your towels (any kind-
Dish, hand, bath, towels, etc..) get a funky smell from being wet too long, or other odors, Add one cup of white
vinegar to your washer, along with your laundry soap when you wash them. They come out fresh, clean, odorless, and they smell
soooo good!
Click on picture to take you to the recipe page! |
My kitchen and the clean eating corner has recipes, tips, clean eating info and links. Tosca Reno's author of "The Eat
Clean Diet" book info.

My photo's are flowers, my family and other pictures I've taken.
"Sharing my faith" has many 'faith' topics including my own personal Christian testimony. Hot Topics, interesting topics
that are deal with today's issues. Sharing my deepest core of my faith and what I believe and makes me who I am.
But even more important some links to what God's Word says with Bible verses. No matter where we are in our faith
right now, there's always room to grow closer to God!
The "web sites I like" have links that will can check out. You'll leave my web site for most of these. There's a variety
of web sites from faith, medical sites, fun and more!
Some of my favorite poetry and some short stories are linked here. There's a few written by others that are here too.

I'm excited about sharing some personal information about my faith, cooking, clean eating, my family and more! Come back
often, I plan to add things as I'm inspired!

This is our kitchen after we remodeled it! I have two sinks that is so handy for all the canning we do and nice
big counters for lots of people cooking together! On the end of the counter I have my two granddaughters
beautiful art work!