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Clean Eating


Clean Eating Tips and Info.

Tosca Reno's Web Site

Clean Eating is a way of life of eating healthy. It's avoiding processed food, sugar, white flour, and junk food. It's not a diet, but rather making healthier choices everyday.
Even when you're making cookies, you'll make healthier choices in what goes into the recipe! Or maybe you can try black bean brownies!
Here on the Clean Eating page, you'll find recipes and resources. It's the most enjoyable food you'll ever make and eat! Look to the left for some great links.
Scroll down for more tips!
* We probably eat 90-100% clean in our home. We really have adopted these principles of clean eating for the most part. (At our home About once a week we have a "free meal, including dessert" where we eat whatever sounds good!) But its key to keep it only once a week and get right back to eating healthy the rest of the meals in the week. We feel healthier, stronger, and more clear minded. We drink lots of water. We cook homemade just about everything, including our own granola. We include more veggies, fruits, and wholegrains, lean chicken breast or turkey to our meals.  My hope is that these "Clean Eating"  principles help your family like they have helped us!

A few great tips:
*Diet food is not necessary good for your diet! It's usually over processed, hidden sugar, fat, or calories. (Examples: A power bar may be loaded with high calories and fat. A boxed dinner could be over processed and full of chemicals. A 'low calorie" snack can still have sugar. Best way to decide is by reading the label!)
*Cook some foods ahead of time. I usually have cooked chicken in refrigerator. It will come in handy on those hurried days, or just save you time so you won't be tempted to reach for a boxed food.
*Herbs and Spices and enhance flavors without extra calories. Try to avoid sauces and dressings that can pack on extra calories.
*Drink lots of water. Drink hot tea! Avoid soda pop and juices.