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Clean Eating Books/ Magazines


The Eat Clean Diet
 By Tosca Reno

The Eat Clean Diet is so sensible! It's not really a diet; it's a way of life and eating healthy.
Planning your menus ahead. Eating 5-6 smaller portions (snack size or small plate size meals). It's basically staying away from all processed foods, white flours, and sugar. Her book talks about eating whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean foods. And how those foods help your body. It's eating healthy all the time! Something we all know, but I like the way Tosca Reno gives so many practical tips and show it as a way of life not just a diet. When your Eating like this all the time you can have a special treat once in a while without gaining 5 pounds when you do!! Training is also a big part of Tosca's way of living.
One thing Tosca Reno says, "Having a beautiful body is 10% training, 10% genes, and 80% good nutrition."
She has some great recipes too. She talks about the importance of cooking your own "clean"  foods instead of eating processed foods.
She has a recipe book and some others too that I'm going to get soon. She's usually featured in my magazine, Eating Clean, and Oxygen. They're great!



Author: Tosca Reno
Talks about eating clean and cooking clean for your whole family! Children will love eating good healthy foods too.


Clean Eating Magazine
This magazine features Great articles for Eating clean.  Great recipes! Great menu ideas and stories. My only negative thing to say is it only comes out quarterly instead of monthly!


Oxygen Magazine
Web site:
This gives a lot of great health tips plus clean eating recipes. Tosco Reno features an article in the magazine each month.

This is NOT an ordering web site. This is a book and magazine review.