Does your diet consist mostly of:
Vegetables: Spinach, carrots, celery, green beans, zucchini, radishes, tomatoes, onions, peppers, broccoli. peas, squash,
sweet potato, asparagus, lettuce...
Fruit: Bananas, apples, oranges, pears, peaches, grapefruit, berries...
Canned foods: Beans are good for you! Try some black beans!
Tuna, white beans, pinto beans...
Meats: NOT PROCESSED Meat! (sodium nitrate in most lunch meats cause cancer) Cook fresh meat- ground turkey, LEAN
cut meats, fish, chicken, fish, and turkey..
Grains: WHOLE grains, whole grain Pasta, oatmeal, quinioa
So many healthy choices!
Healthy foods are what your body needs to do their functions.
Your brain might tell your "arm raise over head", eating healthy, you may be able to do it very easy. If you're
eating mostly junk food when you tell your arm "raise arm over head"- it may say, "I don't think so, it hurts today."
When you don't eat these heatlhy foods your taking your nutrients from other sources of your body which will cause problems
later. Maybe in your joints, maybe in your mind, maybe in cells turning into cancer or other health issues.
Maybe you have a cold and your body needs to fight it off- it needs the healthy vitamins and good things in healthier
choice foods. In your later years you'll be more clear minded and alert!
Eating healthy now is the best insurance you can have for a heatlhier future! You will feel more energetic and alive!