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Family Poems

Our Backyard was full of Fun!
 --Karla K. Reed
Our backyard was full of fun
We would skip and play and run
Picking daisies like a prize
In summers catching butterflies.
In front we had a baseball field,
Where bikes were rode, and jumped, and wheeled
Our folks didn't need to worry much
Just us getting along and such!
Sometimes we would stay up late at night
We caught fireflies to be our light
Frogs and crickets were our lullaby
Or maybe an owl with his big outcry.
The neighborhood kids would come and play
We'd play red-rover, tag, or run all day.
We'd play marbles, skip rope, or in the sand.
We love our yard. Our life was grand!

Picking Lilacs for Mom
By Karla K. Reed
Skipping down the country lane
To pick flowers for my mom
Too excited too contain
She'll know where they came from
Ready to cut the lavendar tree
Had to duck when a bee flew by
I fell down and skinned my knee
But I didn't even cry
Arms full of the fragrant blooms
Picking still some more
For my Mom there's always room
For the lilacs all galore!
Mom is delighted with her bouquet
It gets bigger every year
Every day us a special day
For lilacs to my mother dear!

Dad Taught Us
By Karla K. Reed
I remember when Dad taught me to write
And how to tell truth and do what is right.
I remember when Dad swung us on arms
He'd guard us and shield us and kept us from harm.
I remember when Dad taught me to ride
A snowmobile up hill and how it would glide.
I remember when Dad took us camping sometimes
How we had fun morning 'til bedtime.
I remember the fishing from the long cane pole
He took off the fish for us when we'd go.
He laughed and he played with us with delight
He also was stern and taught us to do right.
I remember when Dad walked me down the isle
He taught me well, and I'd be okay with a smile.
Dad is the greatest he always right there.
To love, and to laugh, and show us he cares.