Instead of TV, page 3
Page 3 Things to do Instead of TV
101. Play Monopoly 102. Play the game Life 103.
Have a Cooking contest with family members 104. Teach kids how to cook a fancy dinner 105. Teach children how to Bake 106.
Do winter cleaning together 107. Plan your summer vacation together 108. Name something the other members of the family
did "right" 109. Play "Hide the Thimble" (Hide a small object, a thimble, or something like a thimble, somewhere in a room,
let them try to find it. You can say 'hotter' if they're closer, 'colder' if they're farther away if you want to give hints) 110.
Play "I Spy" (Think of something and name the color, the other person tries to guess what it is) 111. Polish stones
you collect in the summer 112. Learn how to make a flower arrangement 113. Share an embarrassing experience 114.
Share a scary experience 115. Share an experience you felt close to God 116. Pray together 117. Teach your children
to pray 118. Have a big family softball game 119. Have a big family kick ball game 120. Make a quilt 121. Make
a family quilt 122. Memorize a Bible verse together 123. Have a thankful week- each day at dinner time, everyone take
turns saying something they're thankful for 124. Have a sing-a-long 125. Serve the Lord somewhere 126. Volunteer
to do something, like serve in a soup kitchen, or help in some area in your community 127. Go to church together 128.
Learn more about the Lord together or teach the children by having a quiet time in the evening. Read a book to them before
they go to bed 129. Teach about God by using opportunities like showing them, "Look, God made this plant ..." 130. Go
to the county fair 131. Work together: Pull weeds in the garden, clean house, make beds, dust, do dishes. (Sometimes
those are the times when kids like to open up and talk to you. We use to always talk to my mom while helping her with dishes.
*I think it's more important to work TOGETHER on jobs and use teachable opportunities then it is to try to make them get a
chore done.) 132. Teach each other a new skill. Even kids can teach some things! 133. Enter something in the fair 134.
Have a pancake supper 135. Invite friends to a pancake supper 136. Make new family traditions 137. Have a hay ride
on grandpa's tractor and wagon around the farm (We do this with our family along with a bon fire! It's alot of fun!) 138.
Make cookies 139. Give away some homemade goodies to shut-ins or new neighbors, or friends that could use encouragement 140.
Work on a family tree 141. Forgive someone that hurt you. Become the hero of your own story and get beyond the past. 142.
Visit shut-ins 143. Go to the beach 144. Put together a family history photo album 145. Visit a museum 146. Encourage
your children's talents 147. Visit some educational web sites 148. Jump rope 149. Excercise 150. Play hop scotch
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