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Poems, Page 1

You are Mine


 Written By Karla K. Reed

O Lord, you are my own
You came for many more
I opened up you came right in
When you knocked at my door.

O Lord, you are my hiding place
You protect me everyday
You surround me with you love
You're just a prayer away.


Walking Along the Morning Dew
Written By Karla K. Reed

Walking along the morning dew
Lord, I'm praying and loving you.
I'm thankful for the fresh new day,
in precious moments tucked away.

A Whisper to God

Written By Karla K. Reed

Sing a song
Pray a prayer
Whisper to God
You know He's there

Lift up your hands
Shout for glee
Whisper to God
My praise to Thee

I talk to Him
Down on my kness
"Father mold me
As you please"

And let me listen
To your voice
He whispers to me
And I rejoice!

More Poems written by Karla K. Reed
on page 2. Poetry in my "Thoughts From the Heart" book.

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