written by Karla K. Reed
A Fool
A fool says, "There is no God!"
All his ways corrupt
He plots destrcution where he goes
He never did wise up!
Closet of Prayer
One day I went to my closet of prayer
Expecting to tell the Lord some things there
I had my wish list and an item or two
I figured He'd give me the things that were due.
After some time of doing my task,
My eyes clearly opened, and I couldn't ask
My head hung in shame at the guilt that I felt
I changed my heart there, as my body was knelt.
I decided the things on my wish list wouldn't fill
The peace that God gives when were in His will.
That day I came out of my closet of prayer,
Ready to serve my Lord, any time, anywhere.
Be Still
Be still before the Lord and wait
Do not fret- He's never late
Our God is good
He's always there
Do not worry,
He hears your prayer.
Sometimes He answers yes
Sometimes He answers no
But listen to the Lord
Sometimes He says to go.
Wait before the Lord; be still
He wants our best, We want His will.
A New Creation
A butterfly emerges
Out of its cocoon
He is a new creation
He'll fly away so soon
When we are in Christ
We're a new creation too
Forgiven and sanctified
And truly made anew
A butterfly emerges
Different as can be
The old person is gone
Now we are set free!