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Instead of TV page 2

Page 2

51.  Plant flowers
52.  Rake the yard
53.  Rake the neighbors yard
54.  Write a children's book
55.  Take pictures of flowers
56.  Go camping
57.  Play badmitten
58.  Learn a new game
59.  Play volley ball
60.  Carve something out of wood
61.  Have a hobby, like Model Railroad or something else
62.  Go fishing
63.  Take a nap
64.  Play Christian music
65.  Tell jokes
66.  Draw
67.  Have a tea party
68.  Invite Grandparents to a special tea party
69.  Make Doughnuts
70.  Make homemade pudding
71.  Make crafts
72.  Watch birds (one day write down different ones you see)
73.  Play Euchre
74.  Make bead necklacces
75.  Make a fun family newsletter
76.  Make a comic strip
77.  Press wild flowers
78.  Take a hike
79.  Have a picnic
80.  Make a tent inside when its raining outside
81.  Read a book together
82.  Have the children act out a children's book as you read it.
83.  Make a collage
84.  Make a fort in the back yard or even somewhere in the house
85.  Invent something!
86.  Learn fo play a new instrument
87.  Try letting your kids play a kazoo in a family kazoo band!
88.  Go sledding
89.  Go ice skating
90.  Go skiing
91.  Have a friendly snow ball fight
92.  Make a snowman
93.  Make a snow sculpture
94.  Have a "snow person" contest (Like a snowman)
95.  Roast marshmallows in a fireplace or bon fire
96.  Drink hot cocoa, while visiting the kids or your spouse
97.  Play 20 questions (You think of something, and they get 20 yes and no questions to try to figure out what it is!)
98.  Tell stories about grandpa and grandma
99.  Share what you think the world would be like 100 years from now
100. Invite friends over for a simple snack and game time

Instead of TV, page 3

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